Reseller FAQ

Posted by Kyle Hankinson March 24, 2021

Purchase links

To purchase a SQLPro product, navigate to the site of the required product and enter the quanity needed.

Quote request

To see pricing, navigate to the product you require above and enter the quantity requred.

Reseller Discount

No reseller discount available unless purchasing a quantity of 50+

Payments accepted

  • Credit card
  • Paypal

Are POs accepted


Can you provide details on an order based on a PO

No. Please provide the the webstore (fastspring) order details.

How does the customer receive the licenses?

The reseller is to forward the license details to the end user. License keys beginning with S2 or MACOSLT can be sent directly to the end user. License keys beginning with S1 must be aliases. Please contact support to request an alias for a license key (include the license key).


Subscritions will automatically renew unless cancelled. Renewal price will be the same as the origional purchase price. If you need information about a renewal (expiration date, license key, etc), you will need to provide the webstore (fastspring) order details.

Renewal Quotes:

Quotes are not provided. Renewals will renew at the same price as the initial purchase.


SQLPro Studio, SQLPro for MSSQL, SQLPro for MySQL and SQLPro for Postgres are yearly licenses. The license will auto-renew unless cancelled (cancellation details are included in the initial email received upon purchase).

SQLPro for SQLite is a lifetime license (does not need to be renewed each year).